Project Safety Technicians will be required to assist in the execution of safe work practices and insure that all company policies and procedures are being routinely complied with as part of daily activities. Our safety technician will be able to assist with the following tasks: safety meetings, job safety analysis, site specific orientations, behavioral based safety, inspections, permit writing, site safety audits, atmospheric monitoring, gas detector calibrations, PPE inspections, hot work preparations, fire watch duties, confined space plans, turnaround safety planning, LOTO procedures, incident investigations, emergency response, stop work authority, and contractor oversight.
The safety technicians are required to have at least 5 years of industry experience and 2 years in safety. We offer different levels of technicians ranging from the lower level of two years of experience to professionals with over 15 years of industry experience. They are backed by a support staff with over 30 years of experience in safety dealing with all aspects of new construction, fabrication, refinery, installations, production, drilling, pipeline, and decommissioning projects.
Safe Zone’s mission is to add value and make a difference in the HSE success of your projects. With the extremely educated and experienced safety personnel on staff, we strive to assist in the delivery of zero harm. Our safety personnel are trained to develop a professional working relationship with the designated person in charge and maintain communications with them in order to build a successful partnership that meets and exceeds the expectations and requirements of the client. By providing oversight utilizing company specific safe work practices, our safety personnel will play a major role in limiting exposure to potential incidents.
By providing safety oversight utilizing company specific safe work practices and processes, the confined space rescue teams play a major role in limiting exposure to potential incidents. In addition to personnel support, we have the rescue equipment available for you to rent, as well as provide training for your in-house rescue teams. The hole watch attendants are also cross-trained in fire watch and bottle watch, so they can assume these roles if requested.
Whether performing inspections or working in confined spaces, Safe Zone provides skilled, professional rescue services at your facility. Our confined space rescue personnel have been extensively trained in CPR, rescue techniques, self-rescue, recognition of hazards, ventilation, atmospheric testing, confined space permitting, entrant policies, safe work practices, and emergency evacuation procedures. The attendants are trained to understand and recognize the hazards that may be faced during entry as well as the effects of those hazards. They are responsible for monitoring the conditions inside and outside of the space to ensure the safety of all parties involved. In the event of an emergency or the detection of a prohibited condition, the attendant will call for evacuation of the space and notify the rescue team if necessary.

Safe Zone has fire watch personnel that have been trained in all aspects of hot work preparation, fire prevention, and proper inspection and use of firefighting equipment. Fire watch attendants are also prepared to perform pre-job inspections to ensure flammable materials and hazards have been removed prior to beginning the task. Our fire watch technicians are trained and experienced in using all equipment necessary for performing these tasks, including but not limited to fire extinguishers, portable atmospheric monitors, calibration kit, and radios.
Safe Zone has experience working in all industries, so give us a call whether you have a large turnaround, offshore installation, or any other routine maintenance project. We have attendants that are cross-trained in hole watch and bottle watch responsibilities, so they can also be assigned to these tasks.
Safe Zone currently has active memberships in ISNetworld, Avetta, Veriforce, and DISA. All employees are prescreened and required to complete an extensive physical, drug screen, and will have an active TWIC Card.